Advent - The First Candle Represents Hope

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God,

to them who are called according to His purpose. Romans 8:28 (KJV) 

On Sunday our three-year old son sat quietly next to me for the entire one-hour-plus church service. This is what I was hoping would happen, but it doesn’t always work that way.

And such is life, right? Sometimes what we hope for or assume will happen simply doesn’t. The things in life that we believe we should have like good health, a loving spouse, children, a job, friends, healings—don’t always come to be.

But if we are believers in Jesus Christ then our hope is in Him and in His salvation. We know that He works all things together for good to those who love Him and He will give us the strength to get through difficult times.

The hope we have in Jesus Christ is more precious than good health, job security, or anything else we can imagine. During Sunday’s church service I was reflecting on how to make this Christmas season extra special. Like a gift the answer came . . . I hope to be able to lead someone to Jesus Christ this Christmas season. I know this is only possible through the power of the Holy Spirit and I am going to begin praying for this daily because it is the most important assignment we are to do here on earth—to share the hope we have in Jesus Christ.

Lord Jesus, following You and knowing You as my Savior has changed everything in my life. Help me to never become dulled to the importance of sharing who You are with others. It is because of You Jesus that we live in abundance here on earth no matter what we have or don’t have . . . because our hope is in You, always and forever, Amen.

Suzanne Provagna is a public speaker and the author of the Women’s Devotional & Coloring Book called Better Stronger Wiser available on Amazon.


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